- The Noble Truths
- The Six Perfections
- The Eight Worldly Concerns
- The Four Immeasurables
- Tonglen
- Lamrim
- Levels of Meditation
- The six wisdoms
- Mantras
- Ancestral healing
- Breathwork (Pranayama)
- Yonchap (water offering)
- Light offerings
- Mudras
- Spiritual healing
- Yidam
- Dharmapalas (dharma protectors)
- The inner seals of protection
- Tsok
- The Art of Dying
- Enlightened and Mundane Beings
- The role of Wrathful Deities
- Karma
- Reincarnation
- And much more…
Specialized Services
- Pujas: Prayers
- Drib Sang: A smoke ritual for personal and environmental healing, spiritual protection.
- Phowa: Special prayers for the dying and those who have transitioned.
- Divination: An exercise to access knowledge from the unconscious.
- Buddhist psychotherapy.
- Platform: In-person (including workshops), online, and retreats.